1、Charlie Landsborough - Heaven Knows
地址:http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNDM4NTczOTY=/v.swf 歌词: If people dressed in colours According to their deeds Then many leading men Would dress in black And lots of unsung heroes Who never made a name Would be walking round With gold upon their backs Heaven knows You're a rose And the love inside your heart Just grows and grows No one sees I suppose That it's something only me And heaven knows If people were like flowers Imagine what you'd see Thorns in highest places Where the roses ought to be And down along the hedgerows Among the grasses tall You would find the sweetest Roses of them all If people were like music Some hearts would never sing Think of all the happiness A song like yours could bring You fill the life I'm living With love and harmony And you're the sweetest song I'll ever see That it's something only me And heaven knows 2、Charlie Landsborough - I Will Love You All My Life 地址:http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNDE1MjU1NDg=/v.swf 歌词: Your forever telling me I’m weak 你时常说我软弱 When I’m critized I never speak 当我被指责 我总是保持缄默 I prefer to turn the other cheek 宁愿侧过脸去 But I will love you all my life 但我会永远爱你 I can never do things right by you 在你身边我常做错事 I’m the kind of man who muddles thru 我是个笨拙的人 You can find mistakes in all I do 你会发现我错误百出 But I will love you all my life 但我会永远爱你 Something foolish happens and you see 一些傻事 In the Middle of it all is me 因我而起 Seems I cause you so much misery 也许我给你带来了诸多不幸 But I will love you all my life 但我会永远爱你 All my life, All I own 我一生 Everything is yours alone 我的一切只属于你 Everyday my whole life thru 我会用 I will spend loving you 生命中的每一天来爱你 Everybody says for you I’m wrong 每个人都向你数落我的不是 You’ll get nowhere Fast with me along 你不会陪我去天涯海角 They keep telling me I don’t belong 他们说我配不上你 But I will love you all my life 但我会永远爱你 All my life, All I own 终我一生 Everything is yours alone 我的一切只属于你 Everyday my whole life thru 我会用 I will spend loving you 生命中的每一天来爱你